Ethic Code for the suppliers and subcontractors

In its activities "INOS 1" Ltd is guided by the principles of the social accountability and is committed to support the highest ethical standards in all its activities including in respect of its suppliers and subcontractors.

         We expect from our suppliers and subcontractors to observe and apply the principles of this Code, as well as they will require its observing from their suppliers and subcontractors.

The Ethic Code for the suppliers and subcontractors of "INOS 1" Ltd is based on the eight basic requirements for social accountability described below:

 Child labor

"INOS 1" Ltd considers that all children have a right to childhood and education.

The Company will not hire and keep people working below the minimum allowable legal limit. In no case may employ persons less than 16 years. The education of the young employees has to be encouraged by the Employer.

Forced and compulsory labor

The Company does not tolerate forced and compulsory labor including enslavement because of debts and prison labor. "INOS 1" Ltd does not support human trafficking.

Health and Safety

"INOS 1" Ltd has introduced and maintains Occupational Health and Safety Management System and Environmental Management based on the international standards ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001:2015, through which guarantee to employees and workers clean, health and safe workplace environment.

The Company requires from its suppliers and subcontractors to observe the normative and company’s rules for health and safety and environment, as well as their available. The Company does not permit to its sites work of suppliers and subcontractors without Risk Assessment from their sides for all working places and executed stages or without awareness and acceptance with Risk Assessment performed by “INOS 1” Ltd for the respective site.     

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

"INOS 1" Ltd provides its workers and employees the possibility of association and collective bargaining as requires its suppliers and subcontractors to provide the same freedom for their staffs.


"INOS 1" Ltd does not undertake any form of discrimination in hiring, remuneration, training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, political opinions and union membership, bodily and mental disability legally eligible for the job.

Disciplinary practice

"INOS 1" Ltd as the Employer treats its employees and workers with respect. A treatment that humiliates in any way personnel’s human dignity shall not be allowed.

Work time

"INOS 1" Ltd guarantees that the standard work time shall not exceed 40 hours per week with the provided normative physiological need rests.

Overtime can be applied only in cases specified in the Labor Code, only on voluntary basis and paid by the Employer under the defined rules.

The Company requires its suppliers and subcontractors to adhere the standard work time, to account and pay the overtime according to the normative regulations.


"INOS 1" Ltd guarantees the payment of wages of its employees and workers with confidence that it is enough to satisfy  their basic needs.

All employees and workers are informed about the beginning of their employment contract, work time, remuneration, due paid annual leave, protection from dismissal during pregnancy and motherhood.

The Company tolerates the same relation of its suppliers and subcontractors to the personnel.

"INOS 1" Ltd as a Partner or Employer has the right to collect information and check the compliance of suppliers and subcontractors with requirements of this Ethic Code.

In this way the Company encourages its partners to improve their Management Systems in conformity with the principals of the social accountability.

Under finding discrepancies with the requirements for social accountability of "INOS 1" Ltd the Company requires appropriate corrective actions to be undertaken within a specified period. The Company reserves the right to reassess its supplier or subcontractor and even to withdraw him from the list of the approved ones in case that these discrepancies are not removed.

17.02.2021                          George Petkov, Managing Director