Reconstruction of Kindergarten №18 „Detski svyat ” and two-storey extension – I stage –”, Housing complex “Yavorov”, 2 G. Markov str., District “Sredetz”, Sofia.

Employer: Sofia Municipality – District “Sredetz”

Project starts: 23 September 2015

Project ends: 22 August 2016

Built-up area      3 420,05 м2

Construction category according to art. 137, par. 1, p. 2, l. „д“ of LSP:  Second

Executed construction and installation works at parts: Architecture, Structures, Geodesy, W&S, HVAC, Electrical, Technology, Landscaping, Energy Efficiency, Fire Safety, Construction Waste Management Plan. Peculiarity of the construction is the work with materials containing asbestos. For this purpose a permit has been taken from RIPCPH, the respective trainings and measurements of the environmental parameters were carried out during the work. The results of the examination show that there is no environmental pollution during and after completion of the work.


Act 15 dated 22.08.2016

Occupancy permit № СТ-05-1381/01.09.2016 issued by NCCD